Importance Of Freelancing

Importance of freelancing : Many people in the post-pandemic era have come to the reasonable conclusion that freelancing is the way of the future in the workplace. Millions more people are ditching their office chairs in favor of their laptops at home, spawning a new generation of remote workers.
Freelance job boards like Fiverr and Upwork have seen a rise in user interest and signups. As of now, Upwork has 17 million active members, making it the largest freelance job platform, while Fiverr has over 7 million.
Due to the pandemic, many workers were forced to take unpaid leave, see their hours cut, or find themselves without a regular paycheck. Many people felt they had nothing to lose by trying freelancing as a way to make a living.
But it seems that this trend in the workplace is going to stay. A growing number of people are opting to work independently because, as one study found, sixty percent of freelancers make more than they did in their previous positions.
For an overview of the freelancing market’s growth through time, consider the following numbers:
- It is estimated that the $1.4 trillion total contribution to the US economy may be attributed to the work of independent contractors, who make up around 5% of the workforce.
- Statista predicts that by 2027, freelancing will make up the vast majority of the labor force in the United States.
Here’s a staggering number that you’ve probably never heard before. Roughly 54% of Google’s employees are independent contractors, whereas only 46% are full-time workers.
There is no shortage of opportunities for working from home. If you’re still on the edge about freelancing after reading it, hopefully, this will help. View the items we’ve compiled below. After learning about the benefits, you’ll be in a better position to decide.
Top benefits of Freelancing
1. Being the Boss of You
Being the CEO of your own firm is the primary perk of freelancing.
The choice of which vendors to work with is entirely up to you. You have the right to turn away any consumer, no matter how rude or demanding they are.
2. Break the Monotony
Have you ever felt that you were doing the same thing repeatedly, day in and day out? Do you feel you’re in a never-ending cycle of boring jobs from which no relief is in sight?
You are now in control of your own destiny after you have decided to pursue a freelance career path. Because you’re picking your own client and project, you can switch things up as much as you like.
Both the type of work you do and the hours you put in at the office are up to you.
Focus on tasks while you’re feeling inspired, and take breaks whenever you choose. The clock will no longer dictate when you eat or drink tea. Develop a regimen that works for you.
3. Broaden Your Skill Set
Working on a variety of projects is great since each one presents a unique challenge and a chance to expand your skill set.
By working alone, one can do something they’ve always wanted to try but were too afraid to take the plunge on.
Many young working adults want to pursue side companies but find themselves too busy to do so. You get to decide how much work you take on when you work alone.
You can pick and choose your tasks so that you have enough time and energy left over for your side gig.
4. Multiple Sources of Income
There is no one source of income in the freelancing field. You can earn through fulfilling your clients’ needs and in addition to it you can also do your own business which is not costly; y means that you can start blogging at a cost of 10 thousand PR per year, You can make your own drop shipping store or an affiliate store, etc.
5. Financial Cushioning
The “gig economy,” often known as freelance employment, has a poor reputation since it is seen as a high-risk endeavor. Most people believe that working a regular 9 to 5 is safer and more reliable. That seemed to be the case, at least.
In light of the epidemic, it’s clear that regular 9-to-5 occupations aren’t any more secure than any others. When you work as a freelancer, you don’t have to worry about always being at the employer’s whim. Having more than one job means you can still make ends meet if one of them goes through.
You don’t have to worry about losing your job every time you get a paycheck, which isn’t the case with a regular 9 to 5 position.
6. The permanent WFH Life
It’s normal to feel dependent on the flexibility of remote work and dread the thought of returning to the workplace in anything other than pajamas.
Workers in many parts of the world are seeking more adaptable work arrangements, with some even leaving their current employers to join others that do.
After the offices reopen, you can continue working remotely if you’re a freelancer. Despite the curfews, the remote worker culture persists.
7. Global Exposure
It’s normal to feel dependent on the flexibility of remote work and dread the thought of returning to the workplace in anything other than pajamas.
Workers in many parts of the world are seeking more adaptable work arrangements, with some even leaving their current employers to join others that do.
After the offices reopen, you can continue working remotely if you’re a freelancer. Despite the curfews, the remote worker culture persists.
8. Produce Brilliant Quality Work
You get to try new things and work on projects that really excite you when you’re your own manager and employer.
It’s common knowledge that people do their best work when they’re excited about what they’re doing. When you’re your own boss as a freelancer, you can pursue whatever kind of work sparks your curiosity and makes you happy.
In the end, the increased quality of work you do as a result of your keenness will look great on your resume.
The post-pandemic world has led many to believe that freelancing is the future of work, and they are not wrong. With millions switching the work desk for a laptop in bed, a new wave of virtual worker bees are ready to go.
Freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork have witnessed an increase in traffic and registrations. Currently, Fiverr has over 7 million users, and Upwork is the reigning freelance work platform with 17 million active users.
The pandemic saw a lot of people being furloughed, losing their full-time jobs, or facing reduced hours. With nothing to lose, many opted for freelancing as a means of sustenance.
However, it looks like this work trend is here to stay. According to a report, 60% of freelancers are earning more than they did at their old jobs, hence, more and more are choosing to go solo.
Here are some stats to highlight the adoption of freelancing over the years –
- Freelancers make up 5% of the total American GDP or contribute about 1.4 trillion to the US economy.
- A report by Statista finds that by 2027, the majority of the US workforce will be freelancing.
- Here’s a crazy stat that you probably didn’t know about. Google’s workforce consists of 54% freelancers and just 46% permanent employees.
There is no dearth of types of remote jobs that you can do. After this, if you are still wondering why freelancing? Check out our list below. Once you are acquainted with all the pros, you can make an informed decision.
Top benefits of Freelancing
There are numerous benefits of working remotely and being a freelancer. Here we have compiled some of the perks. However, it’s just the tip of the iceberg!
1. Being the Boss of You
The biggest benefit of being a freelancer is that you are the CEO of your own company.
You get to pick and select the individuals and the customers you wish to serve. You are free to refuse service to anybody you find to be too demanding or hostile.
2. Break the Monotony
Do you ever feel like you are doing the same kind of work every day, every hour? Like you are stuck in a constant loop of monotonous work with no escape?
Once you have adopted the freelance lifestyle, the ball is in your court. Since you have the freedom to choose your client and the project, you are free to mix it up.
You not only have the flexibility to choose the kind of work you do but also control the office hours.
Work when the creative juices are flowing and take a break whenever the wish arises. No more depending on the clock to eat lunch or take a tea break. Customize your own routine.
3. Broaden Your Skill Set
The best thing about working on diverse projects is that with every new project you get an opportunity to learn something new.
Freelancing allows one to step out of the comfort zone and work on something one always wanted to but were too hesitant about.
A lot of young professionals have side businesses they are passionate about but have little time to work on. With freelancing, you have the freedom to choose the workload.
You can take up projects that aren’t too draining and leave you with substantial time and energy to work on your side hustle.
4. Multiple Sources of Income
A major plus of working as a freelancer is that there is no limit to how much you can earn. There is no law that dictates the number of projects one can work on at the same time.
If you are a Jack of many, if not all trades, then you can take up multiple projects which require different skills and work on them simultaneously. That way, you stay more productive while mining more cash.
Few freelancers have polished their skills over the years and make six figures per month working just a few days a week by picking up a bunch of projects at the same time.
5. Financial Cushioning
One thing that gives the “gig economy”, or freelance work, a bad reputation is that it is a risky business. A 9 to 5 job is seen as more secure and stable. Or so was the case.
The pandemic has shown that 9 to 5 jobs are as rickety as any other. With freelancing, you are never at the complete mercy of your employer. When you have multiple gigs, even if one falls through, you have the other to rely on.
Also, unlike any 9 to 5 job, you aren’t constantly worried if your job is in jeopardy with every pay slip.
6. The permanent WFH Life

Importance Of Freelancing
If you have fallen in love with working from home and cannot imagine getting out of your PJs to go to the office, you aren’t alone.
Workers from all around the globe are opting for a more flexible work style, some even switching companies to ones that offer a flexible schedule.
With freelancing, even when the offices reopen, you can still work from wherever you prefer. The work-from-home lifestyle continues irrespective of the lockdowns.
The best part? Not only do you cut on the commute, but home can be any place you want — your house, a local café, or a resort in the Maldives.
7. Global Exposure
For a freelancer, work can come from anywhere. You are not bound by geographical restrictions. When working with clientele from different countries, you learn about various work cultures and styles of communication.
You get an opportunity to build meaningful work relationships that help you network better and diversify your connections. While working on a project, you also get a chance to interact with other freelancers.
You get to experience the global workforce from the comfort of your house. It also gives that extra pop of color to your resume.
8. Produce Brilliant Quality Work
Since you are your own manager and boss, you are free to experiment and choose projects that excite you.
It is a universally known fact that you produce better work when you are motivated. As a freelancer, you have complete freedom to choose a work that interests you, and can be passionate about.
Your keenness will deliver a better quality of work that you can then showcase in your resume.
9. Growth
The best aspect of autonomy is that you are not reliant on others for promotions and pay rises, and you do not need to participate in office politics to be in good standing for timely raises. When working independently, your work speaks for you. You are no longer constrained by your role’s remuneration. In your spare time, you can acquire new skills and negotiate for a higher salary. You have complete control over your professional direction.
10. Build a Better Lifestyle
Do you ever become really bored with your routine and wish you could shake things up but can’t because of work?
When you work alone, you set your own hours. Work when the moon is up if you’re a night owl or get up with the dawn if you’re an early riser. Remember that your only responsibility is to observe the due dates and ensure timely deliveries.
Importance Of Freelancing
Being the Boss of You .. The biggest benefit of being a freelancer is that you are the CEO of your own company.
Why is freelancing important?
To expand their clientele and expand their enterprises, freelancers might develop their own clientele. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to test out new things and discover which ones bring in the most customers and the most money.
What is the most important thing to consider as a freelancer?
Successful freelancing requires a unique set of skills, including time management, client networking, and budgeting (just to name a few). So, even if you’re already rather competent in your creative sector, you’ll soon realize that you need to develop other abilities as well if you want to achieve real success.
Why freelancing is the future of work?
Most freelancing industries will see an increase in the number of people looking for work. Freelancing is the future because more people are looking for flexible opportunities that allow them to work from anywhere in the world.