Recognize yourself!!! Who Are You?

Life has a cruel way of putting us to the test. We are frequently trapped in difficult situations and surrounded by individuals who put us down. The continuous flow of bad events has a mental impact on us. The first and most important step toward overcoming traditional psychological blocks is to enhance the mind.
People are afraid to take risks in thinking big, building a business, or building life relationships, and this makes them weak and unpleasantly content with their present state.
Fear prevents us from thinking outside the box and acting for change, giving us the opportunity to reshape our lives for a better and more prosperous future. We are generally so afraid of people expressing their opinions and being judgmental that any new thought process remains in our heads and does not become a simple reality.
Those who have achieved success and made some money always been those who took on the challenge and worked hard. It is not necessary to work your tail off; working smart is the new silver lining that can propel one to success.
About Me:
Hi, My name is Engr.Abdul Raffay, and I am a EcommerceUstad Co-Founder. I am a Freelancer who began with a single computer 12 years ago, with a broken chair and a very weak internet connection, but with the goal of rising to the top and becoming my own boss; today, I own a moderate company and run three successful Si Valley-backed startup companies.
I began this blog post by declaring that life has a cruel way of testing us, and I have had firsthand experience with this. When my co-founder and I discussed starting a Motivation, Technology blog, we received all the best possible warning signs from those around us, such as ‘Why should someone see your work, there are so many other blog posts and articles out there with a solidified place for decades, and the list goes on and on.
Even before I started freelancing a decade ago, I had this complete sense of myth in my head.
It is preferable to fail after attempting rather than regretting “only if I had done it.” On a personal note, even if I had a thousand lives, I would still try to do what I believe is right and try with all my heart. “I will do it,” is the bottom line.
Yes, I have lost more money and time in other startups than most people who have not even begun. Still, those feelings have taught me extremely valuable life lessons and ultimately improved me as a good person who can make a difference not only in his own life but also in the lives of others.
Do you know why we feel bad about our jobs and our relationships?
It’s because we never get started or have the courage to act. If something feels good, break down your psychological blocks and go for it with all your energy and best efforts.
It’s okay if you lose, but now at least you won’t regret it on your death – bed, asking yourself the critical question, “Did I live my life to the fullest?”
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