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How to make money using blogging in 2022?

How to make money using blogging in 2022?

During COVID-19, the world changed. People are being laid off from their full-time jobs. It is difficult for recent graduates to find new employment. In such circumstances, the internet is one medium that thankfully, did not suffer a drop in 2020 and will grow even stronger in 2021. You can make good money using blogging in 2022 if you learn how to do it.

If you want to learn how to make money online, which essentially means starting a home-based business and earning money online, blogging is a good place to start.

7 steps to starting a successful blog:

  1. Determine your blogging niche.
  2. Begin creating content. Make certain that it is unique and not plagiarised.
  3. Put an eye-catching image on your blog.
  4. A video can help you promote your blog (Video trends to engage readers higher).
  5. Make certain that your content contains SEO-friendly keywords.
  6. WordPress is by far the best platform for developing your blog.
  7. Publish your blog and share it on various social media platforms.

As explained above, if you want to blog, you must first create a website. WordPress is one of the best platforms for building a profitable blogging website in 2022.

How to make a blogging website using WordPress?

If you want to learn how to create a blogging website using, click this YouTube Playlist so you can learn a step-by-step method to get started.

A good article engages the audience and motivates them to read the entire piece. If you want your blog to be profitable and have more viewers in 2021, you must ensure quality content and select a topic that is in demand and liked by the reader.

What works best for increasing blog readership?

When writing a blog post, I believe 4Ws and 1H play a significant role. People are more likely to read your blog post if the title includes the four magical Ws: What, Where, When, and Why, as well as one H: How.

Many people use Google to find answers to their questions, and by answering them, you increase your chances of not only being indexed on Google, but also of your post going viral.

I’ve noticed that titles like “How I Made Money Freelancing in 2020?” “The viewership is orders of magnitude higher than if the title was “Make money freelancing in 2020.” People want answers, and by assisting them in obtaining one through an attractive TITLE of your blog post, you present yourself as valuable.

What is the best way to make money blogging?

There are numerous partner programmes that will pay you for good blog views. Google Adsense is the best. You can earn it by integrating Google Adsense into your blog. People who visit your blog will see advertisements similar to those in this blog post. If they like an ad and click on it, the blogger will profit.

To monetize your blog, I must believe that it is vital a payment partner programme. It gives you a lot of motivation to keep writing good content for your readers. More readers and engagement with your blog content means more money. Isn’t it simple?

How can you make money from blogging?

You can only make money blogging if you have a large audience that reads and shares your content. Furthermore, if your blog content is ranked on major search engines, organic traffic will begin to read your post, resulting in increased engagement.

Remember, the more viewers you have, the more money you will create. Sharing your blog content on various social media accounts is one way to increase your blog readership.


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